
David, Katie, Noah, Sarah, Joshua, & Hannah Eder

Album / 2006/ 08-August/ 2006-08-30

Sarah used a marker as lipstick. Sarah says markers taste really good. Sarah ate a marker. I had a lot of fun coloring my face. Sarah got an orange marker.
She also got shots today. Noah and David feed the ducks. Noah and David at the University duck pond. Noah has some old pancakes for the ducks. Noah at the duck pond. Noah likes to feed the ducks at the university. Noah and David feed the university water fowl. Noah breaks off a piece of pancake to feed to the ducks. David tosses some food into the wind. David and Noah feed the ducks. David and Noah feed the ducks. Noah thinks feeding the ducks is tons of fun. It's a baby duck. Noah gets another chunk of pancake. Noah throws a chunk of pancake into the water. Noah breaks off a piece of the pancake. Noah breaks off a piece for the ducks. Noah feeds the university ducks. David and Noah feed the ducks at the college. Noah plays on his favorite piece of art at the University. Noah plays on his favorite yellow sculpture. Noah walks on the yellow scupture at the university. Noah really likes to play on the scupture. Noah and David play with the structure. Noah and David play with the structure. Noah and David play with the structure. Noah and David play with the structure. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall. David helps Noah walk on the wall.

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