
David, Katie, Noah, Sarah, Joshua, & Hannah Eder

Album / 2005/ 02-February/ 2005-02-09

Time to type something. Let's get out some valentine's day decorations. This is a pretty good shoe. Are there any good things to eat in this shoe? Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. We found a purple star cookie cutter. This is a pretty neat mixing bowl. I have cookie cutters, a mixing bowl and a mixing spoon. Time to bake some cookies. I get to lick the spoon. Gotta stir, stir, stir. A purple star or a red gingerbread man? Stir the cookie dough. Time to bake some cookies. Time to bake some cookies. Noah plays with a mixing bowl. Is there anything in there? I don't understand. I keep mixing, but no cookies! Hmmm, maybe just a little more salt... Cans don't taste as good as kitties.

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