
David, Katie, Noah, Sarah, Joshua, & Hannah Eder

Album / 2006/ 09-September/ 2006-09-03

A daisy. A daisy. Daisies by the lake. David build a rock bridge. David build a rock bridge. David build a rock bridge. David build a rock bridge. Daisies. Daisies. Daisy. Daisies. David plays in the water. David builds a rock bridge. A cross for campfire. A cross for campfire. Campfire (with no fire). Campfire (with no fire). Noah helps pick up camp. Noah plays by grandpa's car. Time to pack up camp. Katie and David pack up. Noah helps grandpa roll up the tent. Noah helps grandpa roll up the tent. Hmmm, what is it? It's a Canadian goose. It's a Canadian goose. Sarah wakes up from her nap in her carseat in the tent. Sarah wakes up from her nap in her carseat in the tent. Show us your tongue Sarah. Sarah plays on a blanket. Give us a good smile Sarah. Give us a good smile Sarah. Sarah looks at a toy on the blanket. Sarah reaches for the toy on the blanket. Sarah reaches for the toy on the blanket. Sarah reaches for the toy on the blanket. Sarah plays on a blanket. Sarah grabs some grass. Sarah plays on a blanket. Sarah plays with a toy on a blanket. Sarah plays on a blanket. Sarah eats her toy on the blanket. Sarah plays on a blanket. Lake Mary Ronan. These trees and bushes below are white because of bird poop. These trees and bushes below are white because of bird poop.

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