Asterisk PHP
Please note: this library has significant threading problems. It is not recommended for production use. IntroductionAsterisk PHP allows you to control the dial-plan and write applications for Asterisk in PHP. This is faster and more flexible than phpAGI. Source:
RequirementsAsterisk PHP is known to work with Asterisk 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 and PHP 4.3 and 5 with zts enabled. Other versions may work. InstallationA. Build and Install Asterisk as normal. B. Build PHP with Asterisk support 1. Copy source to sapi folder cp -R asterisk_php <path_to_php_source>/sapi/asterisk 2. Rebuild PHP conf system. cd <path_to_php_source> buildconf --force 3. Configure Asterisk into PHP. A separate php installation is recommended. ./configure <normal options> --with-asterisk=<path_to_asterisk> --prefix=/usr/local/php5 --enable-maintainer-zts or ./configure <normal options> --with-asterisk=<path_to_asterisk> --prefix=/usr/local/php4 --enable-experimental-zts NOTE: do not compile PHP with any other SAPI (example apache). 4. Build PHP make 5. Install PHP make install 7. Make sure the php library is configured in /etc/ Run ldconfig after editing /etc/ C. Configure Asterisk with PHP support. 1. Add load => to modules.conf D. Test it. 1. From the CLI: show application PHP 2. Create /tmp/test.php (see test.php) 3. Add to an extension: exten => 1234,1,PHP(/tmp/test.php|hello|world); 4. Dial 1234 5. Look at /tmp/test.php.out E. Use it and report problems or feature requests. Function Referenceint asterisk_answer([string channel]) int asterisk_best_codec([string channel]) int asterisk_bridge_call([string channel,] string peer[, array options]) array asterisk_chanlist(void) int asterisk_channel_make_compatible([string channel,] string peer) int asterisk_channel_setoption([string channel,] int option, string data) int asterisk_channel_status([string channel]) int asterisk_cli(int fd, string cmd) string asterisk_codec2str(int codec) int asterisk_control_streamfile([string channel,] string file, string fwd, string rev, string stop, string pause[, int skipms]) int asterisk_db_del(string family, string keys) int asterisk_db_deltree(string family[, string keytree]) int asterisk_db_get(string family, string keys) int asterisk_db_put(string family, string keys, string value) int asterisk_exec([string channel,] string app[, string data]) string asterisk_getdata([string channel,] string filename[, int maxdigits[, int timeout]]) int asterisk_getformatbyname(string name) string asterisk_getformatname(int format) int asterisk_get_priority([string channel]) string asterisk_get_variable([string channel,] string variable) array asterisk_get_variables([string channel]) int asterisk_hangup([[string channel,] int cause]) asterisk_log(long log, string message) int asterisk_manager_command(int fd, string cmd) asterisk_moh_start([[string channel,] string class]) asterisk_moh_stop([string channel]) int asterisk_recvchar([[string channel,] int timeout]) string asterisk_request(string type, int format, string data, int &cause) string asterisk_request_and_dial(string type, int format, string data, int timeoute, int outstate, string callerid) int asterisk_say_character_str([string channel,] string chars, [string ints[, string lang]]) int asterisk_say_date([string channel,] [int time[, string ints[, string lang[, string format[, string timezone]]]]]) int asterisk_say_datetime([string channel,] [int time[, string ints[, string lang]]]) int asterisk_say_datetime_from_now([string channel,] [int time[, string ints[, string lang]]]) int asterisk_say_digit_str([string channel,] string digits, [string ints[, string lang="en"]]) int asterisk_say_number([string channel], int number, [string ints[, string lang[, string options]]]) int asterisk_say_phonetic_str([string channel,] string text[, string ints[, string lang]]) int asterisk_say_time([string channel,] [int time[, string ints[, string lang]]]) int asterisk_senddigit([string channel,] string digit) int asterisk_send_image([string channel,] string image) int asterisk_sendtext([string channel,] string text) asterisk_set_best_read_format([string channel]) asterisk_set_best_write_format([string channel]) asterisk_set_callerid([string channel,] string callerid[, boolean anitoo]) int asterisk_set_context([string channel,] string context) int asterisk_set_extension([string channel,] string exten) int asterisk_set_priority([string channel,] int priority) asterisk_set_read_format([string channel,] int format) int asterisk_set_variable([string channel,] string variable, string value) int asterisk_setwhentohangup([[string channel,] int timeout]) asterisk_set_write_format([string channel,] int format) string asterisk_state2str(int state) int asterisk_stream_file([string channel,] string filename[, string digits[, int offset[, string lang]]]) int asterisk_tdd_mode([[string channel,] int mode]) asterisk_verbose(int level, string message) asterisk_waitfor([string channel,] int wait) int asterisk_waitfordigit([[string channel,] int timeout]) Constantsnone at the moment. Contact meIf you want to send actual e-mail, think about this: My name is david and my domain is |